Coral Reef
Dolce Luce Dolls is now a proud retailer for BJD company Coral Reef! Featuring a range of uniquely beautiful, creative designs, Coral Reef is for those collectors who love dolls with fantastical features and inhumanly exquisite qualities.
Please see the images below for more details and if anything interests you, don't hesitate to contact me to order!
Spider cat
Transparent Spider
Transparent cat
"Old Blue"
"Mangosteen" Colour
Mouth parts
Mouth parts
Sale ends 10th of february 2025!
Full-set/nude doll
Full set in mangosteen colour $629/£507 includes faceup, body blushing, official outfit, droopy cat ears, wig and glasses (eyes not included)
Full-set in “old blue” $619/£500
Full-set in basic colours $569/£459 (peony white, wall white, mia white, pink)
Nude doll $349/£281 (mangosteen +$60/£48, blue +$50/£40)
Official dress $69- formal hat, double leather strap *1, shirt, waistcoat, a neck ornament with bell, knitted leg cover *2, White elastic leg cover *4, single leather strap *2.
Cat ears (pricked): $19/£15, with makeup $30/£24, special skin tone + $5/£4.
Single head: Open mouth $79/£64, closed mouth $75/£60 special skin tone + $15/£12.
Cat accessories: $35/£28 with makeup $45/£36, cat +transparent abdomen part, special skin tone+ $8/£6.
Spider accessories: $45/£36 with makeup $52/£42, spider + solid abdomen, special skin tone+ $10/£8.
4 ballet cat legs: $59/£48, special skin tone + $15/£12.
4 high-heeled cat legs: $59/£48, special skin tone+ $15/£12.
Solid abdomen: $8/£6,special skin tone +$2/£1.60.
Eyes $69/ £56 (3 pairs) 10/5, 10/6, 12/7mm
rock of rose
Resin Colours and
Body Information
whale island 42cm girl body
whale island 42cm girl body
whale island 1/4 girl hands
jiu er mao 1/4 girl hands
jiu er mao 62cm girl body
jiu er mao 62cm girl body
jiu er mao 62cm girl body
jiu er mao 1/3 girl hands
Crimson Moon (Human)
Crimson Moon (naga)
Sorceress and Girl Busts
white rabbit (tan)
white rabbit (tan)
red rabbit (tan)
red rabbit (tan)
white rabbit (white)
white rabbit (white)
red rabbit (white)
red rabbit (white)
Opal (white resin)
Opal (white resin)
Opal (white resin)
white resin
white resin
Amber (pink resin)
Amber (pink resin)
pink resin
pink resin
green resin
purple taro (left) and milk taro (right) resin
white resin (Opal first run)
red resin (Amber first run)
white swan
white swan
white swan
black swan
black swan
black swan
swan nude body
swan nude body
one type A
one type A
one type B
one type B
one nude body
one nude body